

Angus Carlyle  Sasha Engelmann  Rowan Evans  Lizzie Forte  Genevieve Fox  Mayra Ganzinotti  SL Grange  John Hughes   Margareta Kern  Liz K Miller  Sofie Narbed  Will Osmond   Mark Peter Wright  Matthew Phillips  Cecilie Sachs Olsen   Carolyn Roy  Tim Smith  Claudia Treacher

The Conflux was led by an interdisciplinary team of academics and doctoral students spanning geography, sound, and movement. 

Thanks to: Sasha Engelmann, Sofie Narbed, Cecilie Sachs Olsen (Royal Holloway, University of London), Angus Carlyle, Mark Peter Wright, Tim Smith (University of the Arts London), and Carolyn Roy (University of Roehampton).

Thanks also to:
Techne DTP / Centre for the GeoHumanities and the Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London / Educational Development (EDC), Royal Holloway, University of London / Margareta Kern / John and Rosalind Jeffs, The Cliff House Hotel, Bude, Cornwall.